Atomic notes : Building blocks of knowledge 🧱

I believe atomic notes help you understand concepts of a multitude of things at a deeper level. They are small but have a big impact. I will cover various topics including science 🧪, technology 🖥️, entrepreneurship 💼, philosophy 📜, psychology 🧠, frameworks 🛠️, etc. 🌐

Patience in Innovation - Daily wins over a one time Victory

The Patience in Innovation Framework is a cool way to think about innovating new things. It starts with coming up problem statements that frustrates you or concerns you, then you try to find some kind of a solution, we normally call it ideas. Then, its all about giving those ideas the time they need to grow and get better. Breaking down into smaller parts, solving and delivering on a daily basis. This approach is about valuaing little win, learn along the way and eventually compound for a larger victory. Here, being patient means youre really involved and actively helping your ideas grow, executing it every day, not just sitting around and waiting for that one magic bullet

Mastering Market Domination: The Essence of Aggregation Theory in the Digital age

Aggregation Theory unveils the strategy behind the success of digital platforms: they conquer markets by forming direct relationships with users and utilizing digital goods, which incur zero marginal costs, to build self-reinforcing networks that attract both users and suppliers. This phenomenon explains the shift of market power from entities controlling physical distribution to those mastering digital demand aggregation.

The AI Domain Gold Rush: How Anguilla ’s .ai Suffix Fuels Its Economy

Thousands of smaller ai firms have popped up. Enough that a small Caribbean island called Anguilla, whose internet domain suffix is “.ai”, now generates around a third of its government’s budget from licensing it out.